Analytics and insights to grow your firm

End-to-end analytics to drive engagement efficiency and client collaboration.

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"We are able to use the data from Fieldguide Insights to share with our team and identify specific actions they can take that could save us hundreds of hours per year."

Angela Haasch

Principal, Wipfli

Transform your firm with end-to-end insights

Unlock time savings for all engagements

Get concrete steps and insights to save time for every phase of your engagement.

Work better with clients

Discover how to improve communication and streamline every touch point with your clients.

Boost team productivity

See how activities and engagements are impacting your team productivity and engagement margins.

Unleash greater productivity and collaboration with Fieldguide Insights

Engagement efficiency

Get a prioritized action plan to improve efficiencies for every phase of your engagements.

Unlock time savings

Uncover how much time Fieldguide is helping your firm save across different engagements - from planning to reporting and closing.

Save even more time

Get personalized recommendations on how to save additional time, such as more broadly automating requests and evidence collection.

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Client collaboration

Optimize the client experience by identifying areas causing multiple reviews, changes, and slow response times.

Pinpoint client bottlenecks

Highlight client responsiveness to requests, especially which client interactions are causing multiple review cycles or project delays.

Streamline client review

Quickly see which  types of client requests tend to have multiple review cycles, and implement changes to Improve client collaboration.

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Resource insights

Eliminate resource inefficiencies and bottlenecks through detailed visibility into all engagement work.

Track team time allocation

Get detailed information on how team members are spending their time on activities and engagements.

Identify time-consuming processes

Determine which activities, engagement types or processes are consuming too much time.

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Engagement visibility

Set your firm up for growth through enterprise-wide analytics on all engagements.

View engagement trends

Get overall visibility into the number, mix, and growth trends for all engagements.

Adjust resources based on projections

Use early visibility into trends to make more informed resourcing decisions.

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