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Case Study —

Perkins & Co

Perkins & Co adds client value by eliminating routine tasks

Perkins & Co

Since 1986, Perkins & Co has provided assurance, advisory, and tax services to clients in the Pacific Northwest area. They focus on delivering an exceptional client experience, but also boast the #2 “Most Admired” rank among Oregon accounting firms.

As Director of Assurance at Perkins, Peter Kwong views the manual, repetitive tasks inherent to many audit workflows as one of the biggest pain points in the industry. These tasks combined with inefficient tools have become a major cause of burnout and fatigue among auditors. He believes that innovative technology that automates these types of tasks can save his team both time and sanity. 

The Challenge

Prior to Fieldguide, engagement workflows at Perkins spanned across many platforms.  Data housed in emails, Excel workbooks, and Word templates had to be constantly updated and reconciled against each other. Performing these reconciliation rituals was both time-consuming and mind-numbing. Reaching a breaking point, Peter sought out technology to solve these challenges for his team.

The Solution

After seeing a demo of the Fieldguide platform, Peter immediately saw the value the solution provides in helping his teams automate manual tasks and end the reconciling rituals in their audit workflows. Eliminating these tedious tasks from the team’s workload would enable them to spend more time engaged in thoughtful analysis and creative value-add activities for clients. 

“Fieldguide enables huge efficiencies by getting professionals out of administrative tasks, instead allowing them to focus more on analysis and value-add for their clients.”
Peter Kwong, Director of Assurance

The Results

Without a modern workflow management tool such as Fieldguide, Peter believes CPA firms are missing out on efficiencies gained from streamlining workflows and eliminating manual tasks. Since implementing Fieldguide, the Perkins team has found it increasingly easier to track information and manage the request process across engagements. Fieldguide enables his team to focus on what matters most – providing their clients with exceptional service. For this reason, he is looking forward to deploying Fieldguide across other service verticals in the near future.

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